Activities & Programs

  1. Weekly dialogue meetings at Universities
  2. Workshops, seminars & conferences where:

    a) representatives from diverse ethnic, religious & political backgrounds explore issues related to reconciliation and unity
    b) servant leadership skills and models are explored
    c) influential, experienced opinion leaders engage the youth in constructive dialogue with a focus of creating unity within diversity.

  3. An annual national gathering to coincide with the National Prayer Breakfasts,
  4. Internships where Youth seeking to take part in service projects or gain experience with the people and activities of parliament will be connected with those in Leadership
  5. Community outreach activities (clean ups, prison visits etc.)



Summary of the kind of Leadership AYLF is Promoting

  1. Youth who are taking up Leadership and influencing others.
  2. Youth who are demonstrating the highest standards of integrity with the resources and the responsibilities entrusted to them.
  3. Youth who are advancing a message of Unity and Reconciliation that cuts across all the divisions in society that have been creating conflict and hatred in this region.

Avenues of Admittance

  1. Campus Small Groups
  2. Invitation to Gathering/Workshops/Trainings etc.


"Trust is the natural result of thousands of tiny actions, words, thoughts and intentions. It doesn't happen by accident, nor does it happen all at once. Gaining trust is work. Knowing that you need it isn't enough. You and I have to do the little things on a daily basis to earn it."
~ David Horsager, from "The Trust Edge"