Affiliation to National Prayer Breakfast Movement
The purpose of the Breakfast is to give our nations that spiritual strength which is available to those who will but ask for it; to renew and strengthen those bonds of brotherhood with faithfuls across our continent and around the world; and to give us the opportunity to ask God’s guidance as well as express our gratitude for that which He has given us.
People of all nations, creeds and political views recognize Jesus’s transcendent universal message to a divided world. Central to His message is reconciliation through transformed hearts and minds. |
AYLF operates under the auspices of national leaders who are part of this National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast network. Today in many nations Prayer Breakfast Fellowship groups composed of people in leadership and at all levels of society are gathering regularly to pray for the world, their nations and each other in the Spirit of Jesus of Nazareth.
"Trust is the natural result of thousands of tiny actions, words, thoughts and intentions. It doesn't happen by accident, nor does it happen all at once. Gaining trust is work. Knowing that you need it isn't enough. You and I have to do the little things on a daily basis to earn it."
~ David Horsager, from "The Trust Edge"